Our Missions & Programmes
BepiColombo, GOCE, ...
SpaceDyS is a Spin-Off company of the University of Pisa, founded in May 2011 by the researchers of the Celestial Mechanics Group (CMG) of the Department of Mathematics, led by Prof. Andrea Milani Comparetti. It provides software and services for Space applications to European and Italian Space Agencies and other public institutions and private companies.
SpaceDyS has gained a very well recognized leadership in the orbit determination field in Europe and worldwide for asteroids or artificial objects. It has a pool of young and experienced professionals in different fields: Mathematics, Astronomy and Engineering, and has built up experience in modern software development, using tools, architectures and standards such as: Gitlab, microservices, ECSS, CI/CD,…
SpaceDyS is continuously investing in vocational training for its employees, also participating to important international committees such as the Minor Planet Center User Group, the ONU IAWN working group. It is involved in research activities with peer-reviewed articles.
SpaceDyS Staff
We can summarize in these few words the spirit that animates all our staff. We work in harmony, in continuous comparison, in reciprocal incitement, in respect of the values that our Code of Business Ethics enshrines. The training is continuously oriented to updating and innovation. The focus on respect for people is combined every day with the challenges, the success, credibility and excellence that the Company has always set itself and guarantees.
Investing in SpaceDyS: investing in the future
One of the major challenges we are eager to start to work with is the frontier given by the Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning techniques.
We want to be among the first to exploit the ML, AI and DL coding in the orbit determination framework, and we have the advantage to have a very strong background in orbit determination and, in particular, a huge dataset to which train any new algorithm. The next decade Space business needs to progress in fields such as the autonomous navigation and the collision avoidance: we know how to do it.
Via Mario Giuntini 63, 56021 Cascina Pisa, Italy
Via Mario Giuntini 63, 56021 Cascina Pisa, Italy
Marina Scatena - CEO
+39 0500984170
SpaceDyS Know-How
In many years of research, the Celestial Mechanics Group of the University of Pisa has developed advanced algorithms and software for different orbit determination purposes:
Asteroids → NEODyS web service since 1999 (NEOs OD and IM)
Space Debris → Architectural studies
ESA-BepiColombo mission
NASA - Juno mission - radio science
SpaceDyS developed its own software tools (libraries):
Computational Engine for Orbit Determination of Solar System Objects - multi-purpose
Relevant Activities for ESA NEOCC
SpaceDyS has had a fundamental role in the development of the ESA NEO Coordination Centre in ESRIN (Frascati, Rome), since the beginning.
Migration of NEODyS Service and full Software System to the ESA - NEO Coordination Centre at ESRIN, Frascati, Italy. The migration has involved software development, engineering, standardization, documentation and training.
- Orbit Determination of Asteroids
- Database of asteroids management
- Impact monitoring
- Ephemeris generation
- Identification
NEODyS service maintenance
The NEODyS web service, operational since 1999 at UniPi, is now fully maintained by SpaceDyS in its servers.
In the framework of the ESA Space Situational Awareness (SSA) Programme, ESA wanted a tool to easily show the impact location of NEOs in route of collision with Earth to the decision makers.
SpaceDyS has used the NEODyS data as a starting point for the computation of the Impact Corridor.
SpaceDyS is participating to the EU H2020 funded project “NEOROCKS”, with ASI, INAF and several other European research institutes and industries.
The project is dedicated to the rapid physical characterization and observation of NEOs:
The purpose is to improve the knowledge of NEOs population in order to prepare the appropriate mitigation actions in case of an imminent impact.
SpaceDyS is responsible of the Work Package related to the improvement of the asteroid orbit determination process, thanks to its well-known leadership in this field.
NEO Observations with Radar Systems
SpaceDyS is currently working as Prime Contractor for an ESA project entitled “P3-NEO-XXII NEO Observation Concepts for Radar Systems”.
The project is dedicated to the analysis of the capabilities of the European radar sensors for the observation of NEOs, and to promote the development of such techniques.
ATIP – Advanced Tracklet Image Processing
SpaceDyS has developed a software capable to detect and process very faint (low S/N ratio) optical trails generated by high LEOs (1000-2000km), MEO, HEO, GEO.
LEO's re-entry predictions
Within the framework of an ESA project called “Benchmarking re-entry prediction uncertainties”, we have developed reliable software tools for the computation of re-entry predictions of LEO satellites in the atmosphere.
Our software for geocentric dynamics is capable to process accurate radar (range, range-rate, azimuth/elevation) measurements, as well as Two Line Elements which are the classic data source for re-entry predictions. Also optical and GPS measurements can be processed if available.
GPS-based Precise Orbit Determination
Within a ESA project, SpaceDyS validated its GPS-based Precise Orbit Determination software by processing the GPS GOCE data.
During the entire GOCE mission, since 2009 for the entire “drag-free” operational phase and up to the final orbits before re-entry, the spacecraft was working nominally and provided its position via GPS measurement down linked as telemetry.
GPS/GNSS-based On-board Orbit Determination
The experience gained from the GOCE GPS-based POD computations led us to consider a different topic in the orbit determination field: GPS/GNSS-based real time on-board applications. We are currently developing a real time on-board orbit determination software called PrOBOarD, to be implemented on a micro navigation computer.
SpaceDyS' Software for Geocentric Dynamics
During its eight years of activities in this field, SpaceDyS has now developed, tested and validated a Software for Geocentric Propagation and Orbit Determination with several options and different levels of accuracy from low to very high. A wide choice for reference systems, dynamical models, observation models and parameter estimation strategies are available for different purposes, along with strong and reliable numerical propagation algorithms. This is expected to be our starting point for more complex GNSS-based navigation applications in space.
BepiColombo, GOCE, ...