Company Profile

Universo Energia is an innovative start-up that operates in the green economy sector with a view to sustainability and safety. In this context, it offers management consulting services, systems integration and due diligence (for the photovoltaic secondary market).

It has developed a software platform, based on big data and artificial intelligence, dedicated to the photovoltaic market. The project received funding from the Italian Space Agency, the European Space Agency and the Lazio Region.

It deals with energy efficiency, circular economy and the construction of plants based on renewable energy sources (taking care of the entire process: design, installation and management).


Via Ardito Desio 60, 00131 Rome Rome, Italy

Contact business

    Contact Information
    • Address

      Via Ardito Desio 60, 00131 Rome Rome, Italy

    • Manager

      Maurizio Caselli - CEO

    • Phone number


    • Email of contact person

    • Company Email

    • Website

    • Date of birth


    Application Domain
    Our Offices in Italy
    Other Offices in Italy

    Via Giacomo Peroni 442, 00131 Rome Rome, Italy

    Enabling Technology
    Products | Services | Applications |Technologies

    The platform Solìsia developed by Universo Energia acquires data relating to solar irradiation and geo-localized weather conditions at the installation sites of the photovoltaic plants managed.
    The most relevant data source is the Copernicus program.

    The data of the electricity production of each photovoltaic system are then collected and the relative efficiency levels are assessed.

    Finally, the platform Solìsia deals with the evaluation of the economic aspects connected to each photovoltaic system and offers the necessary tools to seize the recent opportunities offered by the innovation of the electricity markets induced by the energy transition underway.

    Our Missions & Programmes

    Copernicus; Meteosat