Cluster Tecnologico Nazionale Aerospazio (CTNA)


The CTNA is a PPP born in 2012 from the aggregation of the main regional technological districts, industrial and research players in the aeronautical and space sectors, the Italian Space Agency and AIAD – Italian Aerospace Defence and Security Federation, with the aim of implementing a strategy based on research and innovation for the competitiveness of the Italian aerospace sector. The association is recognized by MUR as a driver of sustainable economic growth in all the regions of the national economic system, as it fosters the innovation and specialization of Italian manufacturing systems.

Space highlights

The CTNA Action Plan defines the road maps and priorities for actions in the aeronautics and space sectors, in accordance with the relevant EU and national policies. The Roadmap for Space identifies a series of enabling technologies (upstream) in view of a Space Economy perspective, as well as a number of “enabled” space products and services (downstream). Working groups at CTNA are currently working on advanced data acquisition, transmission and processing systems; APS; new materials, processes and components; Robotics technologies; Technologies for big constellation; Integrated services and applications; New design and production methodologies.


Regione: Lazio 

Presidente del distretto: Cristina Leone 

Head quarters: Via Nazionale 54 Roma RM | 00188

Point of Contact
Cristina Leone
Presidente del CTNA

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