Italian Aerospace Clusters

Cluster Tecnologico Nazionale Aerospazio (CTNA)

The CTNA is a PPP born in 2012 from the aggregation of the main regional technological districts, industrial and research players in the aeronautical and space sectors, the Italian Space Agency and AIAD – Italian Aerospace Defence and Security Federation, with the aim of implementing a strategy based on research and innovation for the competitiveness of the Italian aerospace sector. 

Dominio ICT Aerospazio Abruzzo - DICTAS

The CTNA Action Plan defines the road maps and priorities for actions in the aeronautics and space sectors, in accordance with the relevant EU and national policies. The Roadmap for Space identifies a series of enabling technologies (upstream) in view of a Space Economy perspective, as well as a number of “enabled” space products and services (downstream).

Distretto Tecnologico Aerospaziale della Campania - DAC S.c.a r.l.

DAC was established on May 30th, 2012 with the precise goal of stimulating collaboration between research centers, universities and companies in the Campania region in order to foster business opportunities and continuous growth and innovation.

Lazio Aerospace Technology District (DTA)

DTA, established in 2004 by a MoU signed by Italy Ministry of Research and Lazio Region, was one of the founding partners of Italian Cluster for Aerospace Technology. 


SIIT-Ligurian Technology District Intelligent Integrated Systems Technologies is a non-profit consortium company, founded in 2005 with the aim to create an integrated system among large industries, medium and small enterprises, the University of Genoa, public institutions, research and finance, with particular attention to the development of industrial research and technology transfer activities.

Lombardia Aerospace Cluster

Recognized association founded in 2009, LAC represents the Lombardian aerospace system: 220 companies, 16,500 employees, € 6 billion of turnover, € 1 billion of export.

Distretto Aerospaziale Piemonte

DAP is a no-profit association established in 2019 to ensure continuity of the previous Committee. Since 2005, the Cluster involved all relevant stakeholders to enhance the competitiveness of Piedmont’s aerospace industry, guaranteeing coordination and long-term vision for public and private investment in technological innovation. So far, DAP gathered over 70 members.

Distretto Tecnologico Aerospaziale

Founded in 2009, DTA s.c.a.r.l. – Distretto Tecnologico Aerospaziale (Technological Aerospace Cluster) is a nonprofit consortium society based in Brindisi, Apulia region, Italy. 

Distretto AeroSpaziale della Sardegna DASS Scarl

Distretto AeroSpaziale della Sardegna (DASS) is a limited liability consortium company established on the 15th of October 2013 and currently owned by five public and twenty-four private shareholders with a share capital of €95112 (fully paid-up).

Gate 4.0 - Distretto Regionale Toscano “Advanced Manufacturing 4.0”

The “Distretto Tecnolologico Advanced Manufacturing 4.0” is a network of SMES, research centers and laboratories located in the Tuscany region. It aims at facilitating technology dissemination and transfer from research to the market and business matching among potential partners.

Umbria Aerospace Cluster

Umbria Aerospace Cluster boasts competences in electronics, mechanical and software development, special processes and engineering. Cluster companies can supply finished mechanical engine and structural components, electromechanical and hydraulic actuation systems, equipment, aerostructures, electronic and control systems, fittings, production and testing systems.

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