Distretto AeroSpaziale della Sardegna DASS Scarl


Distretto AeroSpaziale della Sardegna (DASS) is a limited liability consortium company established on the 15th of October 2013 and currently owned by five public and twenty-four private shareholders with a share capital of €95112 (fully paid-up). The company’s purpose is consortium-based, mutualistic and non-profit, and it cannot therefore distribute profits to shareholders, which, if produced, must be reinvested in research, development, training and dissemination activities. The purpose of DASS is to undertake initiatives suitable for the development, in the Region of Sardinia, of an aerospace technological district. The Company also aims to support, through its scientific and technological expertise, the attractiveness of investments in high-technology production sectors, to contribute to the strengthening of the technical and scientific skills of its Members, and to strengthen the Sardinian, national and international regional research system.

Space highlights

DASS owns 100% of the rights to the patent families referred to below: “Fabrication process of physical assets for civil and/or industrial structures on the surface of Moon, Mars and/or asteroids”, Patent 10453PTWO, 28/07/2011 “A process for the production of useful materials to sustain manned space missions on Mars through in-situ resources utilization”, Patent PCT/IB2012/053754, 24/07/2012.


Regione: Sardegna

Presidente del distretto: Prof. Ing. Giacomo Cao

Head quarters: Via Carbonazzi 14 – Cagliari CA | 09124

Point of Contact
Giacomo Cao
+39 3474362804

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