Distretto Aerospaziale Piemonte


DAP is a no-profit association established in 2019 to ensure continuity of the previous Committee. Since 2005, the Cluster involved all relevant stakeholders to enhance the competitiveness of Piedmont’s aerospace industry, guaranteeing coordination and long-term vision for public and private investment in technological innovation. So far, DAP gathered over 70 members.

Space highlights

Large System Design, Development, Assembly, Integration, Post-Delivery Support; Pressurized Structures; Mechanical components and processes; Habitability and Environmental Control Systems; Thermo-Fluidic Systems and Components; Software, Avionics Component/Electrical Ground Support Equipment; Guidance, Navigation and Control; Mechatronics/Artificial Intelligence applications; Digital twins; cubesat and microsat.


Regione: Piemonte

Presidente del distretto: Fulvia Quagliotti

Head quarters:
Sede legale c/o Finpiemonte S.p.A. Galleria San Federico 54 – Torino | 10125
Sede operativa c/o Finpiemonte Partecipazioni S.p.A. Corso Marche 79 – Torino | 10146

Point of Contact
Fulvia Quagliotti
+39 0115717798 – 0117172321


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