Dominio ICT Aerospazio Abruzzo - DICTAS


The CTNA Action Plan defines the road maps and priorities for actions in the aeronautics and space sectors, in accordance with the relevant EU and national policies. The Roadmap for Space identifies a series of enabling technologies (upstream) in view of a Space Economy perspective, as well as a number of “enabled” space products and services (downstream). Working groups at CTNA are currently working on advanced data acquisition, transmission and processing systems; APS; new materials, processes and components; Robotics technologies; Technologies for big constellation; Integrated services and applications; New design and production methodologies.

Space highlights

In the Space field, the ICT/Aerospace Abruzzo Domain, operates for the development of solutions and projects
related to themes such as: 

  • Enabling Space Technologies;
  • Innovative “”enabling”” products and services.

The activities will focus primarily on those segments of the supply chain that concerns the midstream (ground segment, operations etc.) and downstream (VA applications and services). 

For the evolution of the Aerospace sector for the Abruzzo region it is necessary to consider both the Objectives and Trends defined by the National Policies and Agendas for the Aerospace sector, and the strategic objectives of the major players operating in and around Abruzzo.

With this in mind, Telespazio s.p.a. is the reference company for the Abruzzo ICT/Aerospace Domain and, in this capacity, has identified, in collaboration with the University of L’Aquila, the guidelines for the near future in the field of aerospace, grouping them into the following macro-themes:

  • Unmanned/Air/Space Traffic Management;
  • Earth Observation;
  • Access to Space;
  • Space exploration.

These themes will be developed in midstream and downstream projects, specifically in the three key sectors for the domain, namely:

  • Satellite Navigation;
  • Satellite Communication;
  • Geo-Information.


Regione: Abruzzo

Presidente del distretto: Prof. Edoardo ALESSE 

Head quarters: c/o Università degli Studi di L’Aquila Via Vetoio, 1 Coppito – AQ | 67100

Point of Contact
Prof. Fabio Graziosi
+39 3209231086

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