Gate 4.0 - Distretto Regionale Toscano “Advanced Manufacturing 4.0”


The “Distretto Tecnolologico Advanced Manufacturing 4.0” is a network of SMES, research centers and laboratories located in the Tuscany region. It aims at facilitating technology dissemination and transfer from research to the market and business matching among potential partners.

GATE 4.0 is the managing institution of the Technological District on Advanced Manufacturing of the Tuscany Region. GATE 4.0 is a network (“rete di imprese”) made of three participants: GATE SpA, ERRE QUADRO SRL and Industria Servizi. GATE 4.0 manages all the activities related to the dissemination of knowledge about I4.0 technologies and their applications, the organization of both one-to-one and plenary initiatives and meetings to ensure the matching between demand/supply of technology and funding opportunities. Furthermore, GATE 4.0 aims at acting as a “system integrator” in order to fill the technology value chain, amplify business opportunities and improve the competitiveness of the affiliated companies.

GATE 4.0 benefits from the financial support of “Programma operativo regionale (POR) FESR 2014-2020.

The network of entities affiliated to the District counts nowadays over 150 SME, Departments from 3 Universities and CNR, and over 20 labs/research centers.

Space highlights

+20 SME from aerospace in the District

Leading Research Centers in Tuscany

Partner of the National Aerospace Cluster (Cluster Tecnologico Nazionale Aerospazio, CTNA)

Organization or participation to sector specific dissemination and matchmaking initiatives for aerospace SMEs


Regione: Toscana

Presidente del distretto: Giacomo Tazzini 

Head quarters: Largo Padre Renzo Spadoni, snc – Pisa PI | 56126

Point of Contact
Silvia Giannangeli
General manager
+39 3479030589

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