Italian Space Industry Catalogue

Products - Services - Applications - Technologies in the Space Sector in Italy

Italian Space Industry

The Italian Industry is one of the few in the world to cover the whole space supply chain

Large System Integrators and large companies specializing in complex system integration, about 200 small and medium-sized companies engaged in upstream and downstream activities, start-ups able to innovate and stay ahead of new technology trends.

The Italian Space Industry has a long history

+ 1
Space Companies
Technology Clusters
National Cluster
National Associations

Behind the Catalogue

What our managers have to say about the space industry


Explore company profiles of the
enterprises operating in the Space Sector in Italy

Products & Services

Explore products, services, applications and technologies of the space companies

Space Missions

Discover space missions and programmes conducted by the companies of the sector

The Digital Catalogue

We have come a long way and now we are ready to take the next giant leap

Are you an Italian Space Company? Contact us and apply to the catalogue

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