Lazio Aerospace Technology District (DTA)


SIIT-Ligurian Technology District Intelligent Integrated Systems Technologies is a non-profit consortium company, founded in 2005 with the aim to create an integrated system among large industries, medium and small enterprises, the University of Genoa, public institutions, research and finance, with particular attention to the development of industrial research and technology transfer activities.

Space highlights

The Liguria Region has the historical presence of one of the oldest aircraft manufacturers operating in the general and business aviation sector. 

The main thematic areas are: security (safety, security and cyber); complex automation systems, industry 4.0; ICT platforms and technologies; territory monitoring; critical infrastructures; modeling and simulation; decision support systems; applications of AI-Big data, IoT.


Regione: Liguria

Presidente del distretto: Remo Pertica 

Head quarters: Via Greto di Cornigliano 6r – Genova
GE | 16152

Point of Contact
Remo Pertica
+39 335390096

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