Company Profile

Family owned SME specialized in design and manufacturing of solutions with composites for aerospace and motorsport industry. Turn over of about 9 million euro with over 80 employees and organized with three different production facilities. After more than 20 years of experience with challenging composite parts for different applications, now Bercella can count on a flexible and reactive team of people, with specific expertise and with a solid heritage in different fields.

The regular manufacturing activity is combined with the constant innovation effort and the R&D activity mostly based on composite material and their applications. The Space industry represent a clear trend of development for Bercella, with important accounts such as Airbus DS, Leonardo, OHB, together with many space agencies and other institutions. Among the space projects that belong to the Bercella’s heritage we can mention Rosetta and ExoMars2020 Drill box, substrate sandwich panel for Prisma solar array (OHB Italy), SSMS Dispenser for SAB Aerospace (VEGA Launcher), Semi-rigid solar array and yoke for EurostarNeo Aurbus DS, support Bipods for Majis-Leonardo and more.

Beside the specialization for the space projects, Bercella is also active in other industrial fields, that require advanced design and manufacturing of composite parts, such as: defense, motor racing and transportation. Sometimes for new space projects it’s important to count also on alternative sources of inspiration, to elaborate innovative solutions and cost-effective approaches. Bercella makes it possible thanks to its iterdisciplinary experience.


Via Enzo Ferrari, 10 Varano de Melegari Parma 43040

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    Products | Services | Applications |Technologies

    The manufacturing capabilities of Bercella are mainly based on hand lay-up of prepreg for autoclave curing, filament winding and machining. These processes are supported by a set of 5 autoclaves, 2 Filament Windings machines, 6 CNC machines and 2 robotic arms. The lay-up and the filament winding processing are organized in two different Clean Rooms ISO 8 (ISO 7 at rest). Thanks to the considerable dimensions of some of the autoclaves (4 meters of diameter and 6 meters of lengths) it’s possible to process large monolithic composite parts. For many space projects, such as reflectors, large sandwich panels and payload adapters, these industrial capabilities have been very important to save weight and to reach a better performance of the even surfaces.

    Bercella can count on a “state of the art” equipped internal laboratory, where it’s possible to run all the mechanical and physical test campaigns, complementary to most of the design and manufacturing phases of the projects. Incoming, Development and Acceptance Test campaigns can be organized more cost-effectively, within the Bercella’s premises.

    Design and Co-engineering of composite solutions represent an added value to the proven manufacturing capabilities of Bercella. Especially for the space industry, we noticed how several Prime contracts tend to require more involvement of the manufacturing companies, in different phases of Design, Development and Qualification of important projects. Our Technical Office, together with the Laboratory and the Workshop, are the ingredientes of a versatile system, capable to deliver a complete package of product and service to the Space Industry.

    Our Missions & Programmes

    Rosetta, PLATINO ASI - SSMS VEGA, ExoMars 2020, OHB PRISMA, Airbus EuroStar NEO,...