Our Missions & Programmes
Copernicus Incubation
Centrale Valutativa S.r.l. is an innovative start-up founded in January 2016 by seven partners who had been working together over the past decade, as a team, in a big consulting company operating in agro-environmental field.
We have been involved in the past decades in the evaluation services related to rural development programmes as a part of the European Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). Evaluation is a discipline which requires the application of research and methods in order to gauge the evidences of policy effects. With this respect, we progressively became aware that part of our evaluative research could have been turned into a business opportunity addressed to the environmental impacts’ mitigation of the agricultural and agribusiness activities.
Evaluation still remains company’s core business, but we now offer other environment related services like:
As for earth-observation based services, we’ve received some awards:
The team of Centrale Valutativa is made up of seven partners with 20 years of proven experience in the agricultural field.
The strengths of our team rely on:
Via Arduino 11, 00162 Rome Rome, Italy
Via Arduino 11, 00162 Rome Rome, Italy
Matteo De Sanctis
+39 0690548027
TETHYS - Smart Farming is a Decision Support System, using earth observation and other (weather, soil and agronomic) data to enable farmers better manage their dayby-day decision-making process. It includes specific services on crop vigour monitoring, smart irrigation and crop yield estimation.
TETHYS - Crop Monitor is useful to monitor, with proper vegetation and biophysical indexes, the crop health and maturation in each part of the field.
NDVI (to monitor the health of crops by detecting in advance any occurrence of stress conditions), NDWI (to estimate the percentage of dry matter of the crop) and other vegetation indexes are used to monitor specific agronomic issues.
TETHYS - Water Saver guides farmers in irrigating only where, when and how much it is necessary.
Water is a common but precious resource, essential for human life. Agriculture consumes more than 70% of the available fresh water globally, with inefficiencies and waste reaching up to 40% of the total.
It is therefore a pressing imperative, driven and fuelled by public policies, to use farming water resources more efficiently and consciously.
TETHYS - Water Saver is able to estimate the correct amount of water to be distributed in each portion of the field, reducing waste and limiting consumption, with obvious positive effects on the company’s balance and on the environmental sustainability of production.
TETHYS - Yield Estimator, to assess the agricultural production of each area of the field. Estimating agricultural production at harvest time is a difficult and costly task and often leads to inaccurate and generally poor results. New technologies offer different alternatives to traditional estimation methods, from drones to sensors, but they are still expensive and not free of flaws (non-repeatability, high time commitment).
TETHYS - Yield Estimator is able to estimate the daily production of biomass for each area of the field, allowing the user to monitor the progress during the growing season and to create yield maps and prescription maps at the end of the season.
This allows the farmer to better plan the agronomic activities and to differentiate the use of production factors according to the actual needs of each area of the field, reducing the overall use of inputs and maximizing the production capacity of the company, and improving farm accounts.
The services are highly scalable, with interesting possible applications for insurance companies, golf clubs, public bodies and other subjects.
Copernicus Incubation