Company Profile

HYPATIA is a Research Consortium of private companies devoted to applied research and space-earth technology transfer to enhance R&D and SMEs’ innovation. Research Consortium Hypatia operates to create a shared space for research entities and companies promoting open innovation, at national and european level. Hypatia contributes to the New Space economy, the full range of activities and the use of resources that create value and benefits to human beings in the course of exploring, researching, understanding, managing, and utilising space.


Viale I Maggio, 156 Grottaferrata RM 00046

Contact business

    Contact Information
    • Address

      Viale I Maggio, 156 Grottaferrata RM 00046

    • Manager

      Flavio Lucibello - President

    • Phone number

      +39 06 9413226

    • Email of contact person

    • Company Email

    • Website

    Our Offices in Italy
    Other Offices in Italy

    Località Miole snc – 67063 Oricola (AQ) – Italy

    Products | Services | Applications |Technologies

    The principal technology areas covered by Hypatia activities include: Advanced Manufacturing, Advanced Materials, Biomaterials, and Renewable Energies. Consortium Hypatia is also active in business services, providing assistance to those who want to fully exploit the growth opportunities in the R&D sector, through the participation in European, national and regional programmes.

    Our Missions & Programmes

    LAerospaZIO (national); H2020 SpaceUp