Our Missions & Programmes
The Company, established as an innovative StartUp on March 15, 2021, currently has its registered office in Grosseto (GR) - Tuscany - in Via Mercurio 24. Its main object is the design, development, production and marketing of an innovative system for capturing and destroying uncooperative orbiting objects (so-called space debris).
The system includes a satellite dedicated to the capture, destruction and/or storage of debris whose objective is the active removal of such debris from Earth orbit.
In particular, in the long term, the company intends to introduce itself in the following sectors identified in line with the programmatic objectives of the Italian Space Agency (ASI): In-orbiting servicing, National initiatives, international relations and cooperation, engineering, innovation and technological enhancement, development and enhancement of research and spatial knowledge.
The long-term objective is to guarantee - both in terms of continuity and in terms of reliability - the provision of Active Debris Removal (ADR) active debris removal services and the disposal of satellites no longer operational Post Mission Disposal (PMD).
For a complete treatment refer to the business plan and contact us.
Via Mercurio n. 24, 58100 Grosseto Grosseto, Italy
Via Mercurio n. 24, 58100 Grosseto Grosseto, Italy
Dario Germani - Sole Director
+39 3293375362
According to the current concept of the CARD mission, Germani Enterprise aims to realize and produce the following outputs:
- Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) techniques useful for the identification of objects and able to trace paths, weight, movements and other relevant data on non-cooperating objects.
- Components, design elements and technologies useful for docking and towing operations and for Active Debris Removal (ADR) and Post Mission Disposal (PMD) services.
- Three satellites, made in three distinct phases, with specific tasks for the removal and recovery of non-cooperating objects (debris) with possible return to earth of the same.
According to the current concept of the CARD mission, Germani Enterprise aims to provide the following services:
- ADR services for debris in the portions of space involved in launch and maintenance operations (LEO);
- PMD services for constellations or satellites deactivated in portions of space involved in launch and maintenance operations in orbit (LEO);
- Sale of intangible assets such as AI and software;
- Sale of material goods such as components and design elements;
- Sale of materials recovered in orbit. The provision of ADR and PMD services can represent a value proposition for various operators in the space and non-space sector.
Further aspects are deepened in the business plan.