Other Offices in Italy
Vega Composites: Via della Lora, 15, 50031 Barberino di Mugello FI; RTW RIDE THE WAVE S.R.L. - 25, Via Roma - 56126 Pisa (PI ) - ITALY; Galvanica Pasquali: Via Benozzo Gozzoli, 5, 50018 Scandicci FI
Pasquali Microwave Systems (https://www.pasquali-microwavesystems.com) offers full-in-house Engineering, Manufacturing, Surface Treatments and QA/Testing of µ-Wave and mm-Wave Assemblies (1÷200 GHz, passive and active) for Space, Defense, Naval and Civil/TLC sectors, such as:
Pasquali Microwave Systems is the main Company of Gruppo Pasquali (https://www.gruppopasquali.com), a holding structure that joints and integrates five Italian leading companies in Microwave Devices and Composites Material Frames.
Each Company has long-lasting heritage, deep know-how and cutting-edge technologies:
Pasquali Microwave Systems: Precision Mechanics for Microwave Devices Production
RTW - Ride The Wave: Advanced and Applied RF/EM Design and Prototyping
Galvanica Pasquali: Galvanic/Metal/Painting Surface Treatments and Electroforming Processes
Vega Composites: Carbon and Composites Fiber–Reinforced Structures Frames
Pasquali Microwave USA LLC: Commercial and Sales Department for US market
Vega Composites (https://www.vegacomposites.com) is a long-lasting Leading Company operating in Composites Materials and Metal Assemblies design and manufacturing of large set of items, from small Assemblies (10cm) up to large Structures (more than 6 mt of diameter):
Via Del Palazzo Dei Diavoli 124, 50142 Florence Florence, Italy
Via Del Palazzo Dei Diavoli 124, 50142 Florence Florence, Italy
Marco Sabatini
+39 055 710516
Vega Composites: Via della Lora, 15, 50031 Barberino di Mugello FI; RTW RIDE THE WAVE S.R.L. - 25, Via Roma - 56126 Pisa (PI ) - ITALY; Galvanica Pasquali: Via Benozzo Gozzoli, 5, 50018 Scandicci FI
Pasquali Microwave USA LLC – 1717 – K Street NW Suite 900 Washington, D.C. 20006
Companies of GRUPPO PASQUALI (PASQUALI MICROWAVE SYSTEMS, RIDE THE WAVE, GALVANICA PASQUALI, VEGA COMPOSITES) are industrial worldwide leaders in technologies, devices and TLC systems for On-Board Flight Payloads and On-Ground Stations:
Gruppo Pasquali’s work is characterised by high quality and flexibility, as well as:PM, PA&QA, schedule and cost control expertise. Within the Gruppo Pasquali, UNI EN 9100:2018 and UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 are guaranteed.
Design or Co-Design from SoW or Customer’s Requirements - Built-to-Specs (BtS) / Built-To-Print (BtP) - Engineering Modelling - Fast Prototyping - Pre-Series - Stock Batches Shipment - Large Scale Supplying
Planck; MetOp-SG Sat.B; NAOS; Copernicus; MIMR